Welcome To Relax Consulting's Blog

Transparent thoughts and ideas from Administrative Consultant (aka: Virtual Assistant, Crystal Casavant of Relax Consulting.

Relax Consulting - Let Us Help, So YOU Can RELAX!

Phone: 920.645.7529

Email: Crystal@RelaxConsulting.com

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Struggling With KeyWords?

Do you struggle with choosing key words to boost your business? Search Engine Optimizing, Marketing, SEO Optimization, you call it what you want, but the long and short is this: You've heard that key words, blog labels, and ad words are important for reaching a larger audience. Leave it to Google to provide a tool that can simplify keywords. I thought about keeping this amazing tool a secret, and then realized that's just not my style, so here you go: https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__c=1000000000&__u=1000000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEAS

Once you've clicked on the link, the help on the left of the screen can explain this tool better than I can. What I can advise is the following:

Choose words and phrases that are "low" in the competition category

Choose words and phrases with between 50,000 and 150,000 global monthly searches

By keeping these parameters in mind, you'll ensure that you'll be found (less than 50,000 global monthly searches and you won't be on the 'map' and more than 150,000 the competition will be so great that you'll become a 'needle in a large haystack'). Give it a try and see if you can increase traffic to your blog and your website and increase business. Take it one step further and use your keywords at the beginning of a sentence or the end of an article/sentence/paragraph!

This is also a tool I plan to use when writing for Ezine as well - and best news yet? It's FREE - now that's a price we can afford no matter how small or large our business is!


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